About CAD Addict

What is CADAddict.com?
This is the Old About CAD Addict post. for the new one visit the About link on the navbar above. CAD Addict is a blog where I publish all the little tricks and discoveries I make for Architecture related Software. Blocks and Plugins for Download, Tutorials and News also appear here occasionally.
Although the word CAD is commonly understood as a synonym of AutoCAD or 2D Drafting, CAD-Addict.com aims to use its real meaning. Computer Aided Design, thus covering a wide range of 2D and 3D tools. The fact that I am an architect will obviously put the focus on any CAD (2D, 3D) Software that relates to the Architectural Profession.
CAD Addict is also published (in progress) in the following languages:

You can Contact CAD Addict Here.

© Martí Broquetas 2007-2010.

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