CatalĂ - Castellano
The list of system variables that AutoCAD has used or uses nowadays is too long to be included in a simple blog post (apparently 690 variables). Luckily the guys of www.hyperpics.com have a great list of the system variables available describing on which version are they available, released or suppressed.
This post just wants to acknowledge their effort putting together such a list and quickly list those that have been already analyzed by CAD Addict. Here is the list with links to those that have been previously described (future ones will be added to the end of the list).
All the posts describing system variables can be found through this link or using the search box on the side bar. For individual system variable descriptions click each one of the following:
- ANNOAUTOSCALE: Control if annotative objects get new scales automatically.
- EDGEMODE: Controls if the drawn objects work as cutting edges or their extension.
- FILEDIA: Controls if Dialog Boxes are shown or not
- FULLPLOTPATH: Send the full path to the plotter or just the file name
- LAYLOCKFADECTL: Control the fading of locked layers
- MAXSORT: Set the maximum number of objects in lists.
- MENUBAR: Shows or hides the classic menu bar with pull down menus.
- MIRRTEXT: Controls if mirrored text remain readable or truly flipped.
- PELLIPSE: Controls if the ellipses are created as such or as polylines
- PREVIEWFILTER: Set which objects have a selection preview
- PROJMODE: control the projection mode for TRIM and EXTEND commands.
- SELECTIONPREVIEW: Activate or deactivate the selection preview feature.
- TASKBAR: Shows multiple windows or a single one on the windows taskbar.
- VISRETAIN: Control the retention of visual changes on XREFs.
- XCLIPFRAME: Shows or hides the frame used to clip XREFs, Blocks, etc
- XDWGFADECTL: Controls the fading of inserted XREFs
- XFADECTL: Control fading ob objects not on active space.
On the next post I am going to be listing the System variables that are new to AutoCAD 2009.
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