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This is the up to date, list of all the SketchUp Plugins I´ve talked about in CAD-Addict.com (it will be updated in the future as soon as new Plugins are added as new posts)
- ARTMINE: Allows you to import more than 5000 pieces of art to your sketchup model
- BEZIER (bezier.rb): creates Bezier curves
- CADSPAN: Makes your model 3D print ready and exports to STL format.
- CAMERA RECORDER (clf_camera_recorder.zip): Records your camera movements and exports a set of images to be able to create a walkthrough animation.
- CLEANUP (tt_cleanup.rb): excellent Plugin to clean geometry, unnecessary coplanar edges and other features.
- COLOR BY SLOPE (clf_color-by_slope.rb): Colors faces according to their angle
- COLOR BY Z (clf_color_by_z.rb): Colors Faces according to their Z value (height)
- COMPONENT STRINGER (clf_component_stringer.rb): Places components along a path, with several options of scaling and rotation.
- CUBIC PANO OUT (cubicpanoout.rb): exports 6 images to generate a 360 degrees quicktime panorama.
- DELETE COPLANAR EDGES (deletecoplanaredges.rb): Removes unnecessary edges between coplanar faces.
- DROP (drop.rb): Drops groups/components till they intersect with the model, ideal for site modeling.
- ELLIPSE ( rp_ellipse_v12.rb): Allows you to draw ellipses
- ENGINEERING TOOLBOX (EngineeringToolbox.rb): Allows you to place standard beams, ducts, elbows, etc.
- EXTRAPOLATE COLORS (lf_extrapolate_colors.rb):paints a bunch of faces randomly allowing you control on the colors used.
- EXTRUDE EDGES BY EDGES (extrudeEdgesByEdges.rb): to extrude a curved edge along a curved path.
- EXTRUDE EDGES BY FACE (ExtrudeEdgesByFace.rb): An easie to use follow me Tool. Extrude a face along a path without the need to align that face with it.
- EXTRUDE EDGES WITH ROTATION (ExtrudeEdgesByLathe.rb): Extrudes rotationg the edges or the face a certain angle around a given axis.
- EXTRUDE EDGES BY RAILS (extrudeEdgesByRails.rb): Extrudes an edge following to given rails.
- EXTRUDE LINES (extrudelintool.rb): extrudes lines using a vector.
- FLATTERY (flattery.rb): An upgraded unfold tool, to turn your 3D model into a 2D unfolded model ready to be cut in paper and glued together.
- FLIGHT PATH (flightpath.rb): Allows to generate the scenes of a flythrough animation by selecting a path.
- FREE SCALE (FreeScale_Tool.rb): Aligns the Scale Box to any line on the drawing.
- GEOMETRIC CURVE SMOOTHING (crvsmth.rb): Edit Curves
- GREEBLE 2 (clf_greeble_2.rb): Allows you to add random, and not so random, complexity to your geometry.
- GRIDS (grid.rb): to create parametric grids.
- HELIX (drawhelix13.rb): Draws a helix or a spiral
- HOVER SELECT (HoverSelect.rb): Select or deselect edges by click and drag.
- INSTANT ROAD (InstantRoad.rbs): Creates roads quick and easy
- INSTANT ROOF (InstantRoof.rbs): Creates pitched roofs with just a few clicks
- JOINT PUSH PULL (JointPushPull.rb): Allows you to Push Curved Faces.
- LATICEIZER (Laticeizer.rb): creates a window with its mullions and glass parts from a series of faces, cleaning up the intersections very neatly
- LINES TO TUBES (lines2tubes.rb): turn a bunch of lines, arcs, circles, curves, etc into cylinders.
- LOFT (clf_simple_loft.rb): Creates a simple loft between two or more profiles.
- MAKE FACES (makefaces.rb): Generates all possible faces from selected geometry.
- XD MAKE FUR (fur_en_v1_2.rb): A Plugin to generate Fur / Grass with a lot of control.
- MIRROR (mirror.rb): Mirror objects selecting a mirror plane.
- MODELFUNCTION (Modelfunction.exe): Sort of explicit history (primitive grasshopper) for SketchUp, very promising
- OFFSET ON SURFACE (OffsetOnSurface.rb): Allows you to offset curved faces.
- ONION DOME (oniondome.rb): to create onion shaped domes.
- ONTIME 5D (ontime5d.rbs): easily simulate the construction process (virtual scheduling or 4D modelling) for free.
- PAGE EXPORT IMPORT (PageExIm.rb): Allows you to export pages to be imported to another model.(not free)
- PLUGIN LOADER (as_pluginloader.rb): Loads plugins without restarting SketchUp.
- ROTATED RECTANGLE (rectangle.rb): creates rotated rectangles.
- ROUND CORNERS (RoundCorner_Tool.rb): Turns sharp corners into round ones.
- SCALE ROTATE MULTIPLE (clf_scale_rotate_multiple.rb): Randomly Scale and rotate objects, ideal for Vegetation / Site Design.
- SECTION CUT FACE (SectionCutFace.rb): Fills the section cut with a face.
- SELECTION HIDE/SHOW (SelectionHideShow.rb): Adds contextual menu options to show hide selections in many different ways.
- SHAPE BENDER (clf_shape_bender.rb): to Bend an object to follow the profile of a curve.
- SHAPES (shapes.rb): to create and editing a number of parametric shapes.
- SIMPLIFY CONTOURS (SimplifyContours.rb): it simplifies the geometry, making it easier to work with.
- SLICER (slicer.rb): Creates slices from your model.
- SMART PUSH PULL (a4_smartpushpull.rb): Pushes faces considering the contiguous oblique faces.
- SOAP SKIN BUBBLE (SoapSkinBubbleTools.rb): Creates tensile like structures.
- SPHERE (rp_sphere_v11.rb): Models spheres
- STRAY LINES (stray_lines.rb): Deletes lines that do not generate faces.
- SUPERELLIPSE (rp_superellipse_v12.rb): A superellipse is a shape that is in between an ellipse and a rectangle.
- SUPERELLIPSOID (rp_superellipsoid_v10.rb): Creates a shape between a round shaped ellipsoid and a square shaped rectangular box.
- XD SYNCRO PROJECT CONSTRUCTOR (price $800): allows you to simulate the construction process (virtual scheduling or 4D modelling). It's more a stand alone program rather than a plugin.
- TORUS (rp_torus_v10.rb): Creates Torus and Twisted Torus.
- TUBE ALONG PATH (TubeAlongPath.rb): turns connected line paths into cylinders.
- UNFOLD TOOL (jf_unfoldtool.rb): Unfolds a model to a flat set of faces.
- VERTEX TOOLS (price $20): Performs all sort of operations with vertex. Equivalent to 3D Max Soft Selection feature.
- VOLUME CALCULATOR (VolumeCalculator21.rb): to calculate volumes of objects.
- VRAY: Creates realistic renders from SketchUp (not free).
- WEB EXPORTER (Sketchup6webexporterwen.exe): allows you to export a model to be published on web.
- WELD (Weld.rb): Welds lines into polylines.
- WINDOWIZER (windowizer.rb): Creates Windows with multiple options.
- WINDOW MAKER (windows.rb): creates parametric double-hung and slider windows.
- XD VIRTUAL BUILDER (price $59): allows you to simulate the construction process (virtual scheduling or 4D modelling)
- 1001BIT TOOLS (1001bit_tools.rbs): a full set of tools for Architecture to build your buildings way faster(not free).
- 3D to PDF (price $95): Converts your sketchup model into a 3D Pdf to easily share your models
If you are new to Ruby Scripts, check this post on How to Install SketchUp Plugins.
There are other online resources to find Ruby scripts online. Some of the best online libraries where you can find and download SU Plugins are, as far as I know:
I found a new plug-in called Raylectron that looks to be pretty amazing doing rendering.