Engage Investors with BIM

Six reasons to use BIM to engage investors in your project
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Reedconstructiondata has recently published an article to try to answer the question "How can BIM, Building Information Modeling, effectively communicate the design of a new multi-sport facility in order to engage investors in financial participation?". The article, as I see it, gives the main 6 reasons why you should adopt BIM in your firm as soon as possible.

The six given reasons, summarized, are the following:
  1. In ten years developers will have adopted BIM and will request it
  2. It lowers project costs
  3. It allows better Design, Visualization and Contract Documents
  4. It reduces "Design Waste", specially if IPD is also adopted
  5. It allows to incorporate Facility Management tools that will reduce the operating costs of the building
  6. For the above mentioned reasons, BIM will produce a better product (the building) with higher ROI
I think they are key reasons to go for BIM. BIM is not (only) a new tool with better functionality and capabilities compared to traditional CAD Programs, BIM is a new process in itself and part of a bigger process that is already revolutionizing the construction industry. It's time to embrace BIM and embrace the transformation towards a more efficient construction industry.

You can find the entire article here.

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