Blog Recommendation: BIM ThinkSpace

A very very recommendable Blog to read about BIM on scientific way
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I seldom recommend Blogs by writing an entire post about them, normally I just link to some specific tip I found useful, but today it will be an exception.

Not so long ago I randomly came across, thanks to Google Reader, with the BIM ThinkSpace blog. This blog is a true gem for those interested on BIM from a, lets call it, scientific or scholarly point of view. Almost every post is well written, interesting and teaches you a lot about what I would call "BIM Theory".

It is not the typical blog where you will find Revit or ArchiCAD tips, it is much more than that. You will get a great insight on the WHY the transition towards BIM. What needs to be considered, what are the challenges of the future, etc. It is also not the typical blog where you subscribe and wait for regular short posts, it is more like a book on BIM Theory published online. The post frequency is scarce, but that is because the quality of the posts is incredible. A must read for those who want to understand BIM, not only do BIM.

These are a few of my favourite posts from the BIM ThinkSpace.

BIM Capability vs BIM Maturity

Efects of BIM on Project Life-Cycle

BIM Data Sharing methodologies

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