2010 Top 10 Posts

The yearly lis is here
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As I am trying to do evey year end, here comes the list of the top posts of 2010. Those that you guys have found to be the most interesting by visiting them more than any other pulished during this past year. Thanks for keeping coming here.
  1. SketchUp Plugins: Extrude Edges by Face
  2. SketchUp Plugins: TIG Extrusion Tools
  3. SketchUp Plugins: Model Clean-Up
  4. SketchUp Plugins: Make Fur / Grass
  5. SketchUp Plugins: Component Stringer
  6. SketchUp Plugins: Extrude Edges by Loft
  7. SketchUp Plugins: Extrude with Rotation
  8. SketchUp Plugins: Better Unfold Tool - Flattery
  9. Revit Basics: Control the level of Detail of a View
  10. AutoCAD: Manage Layers with the LAYWALK command
As you can see, SketchUp posts have bee the most popular considering the number of visitors in 2010. In any case, i am very happy to see a Revit post on the Top 10 list of 2010. Considering that I am not a blog of reference regarding BIM or Revit, it is a good start and big motivation to make more BIM related posts climb to the top of this list in 2011.

This doesn't mean I will completely abandon SketchUp or AutoCAD related posts, I will post if I use the tools and come along some nice tricks to share, but since my current focus is on BIM and on improving the Processes of the AEC industry, expect more posts on this line.

Again, thanks for reading, sorry for the misspllings and please comment more this coming year, despite the 939,575 Pageviews (591,188 of them in 2010) , it sometime feels a bit lonely here with only 167 Comments on 378 Posts.


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