(BIM) Revit to SketchUp via IFC Plugin

There is a Plugin to Import IFC Files into SketchUp
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I was trying to visualize a Revit model we've been building in SketchUp. I actually wanted to use SketchUp to export the model to Maxwell to do a very quick rendering since the default rendering in Revit didn't please me and I didn't have the time to play with it much.

This was just a workaround, but it did help. I found the IFC2SKP plugin for Google SketchUp from Secom IS Lab. It did the trick.

The plugin will import your IFC file (you need to save as IFC from Revit) and the imported entities will be separated by layers as IFC Entities. IFC Wall, IFC Floor, etc. It does not keep much of the material properties you might have already given to each elemetn in Revit which is a bugger, but I guess that has more to do with IFC itself than with the Plugin.

Once you install the plugin, you will need to go to Plugins --> Import IFC and from there play with what do you want and what you don't want to be imported. I'll post some pictures detailing the process as soon as I get my laptop charger fixed (or I buy a new one...)

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