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The people at Packt Publishing have published a book about customizing Revit using the Revit API and .NET programming language. The title of the book is Instant Autodesk Revit 2013 Customization with .NET How-to by Don Rudder.
The book is a very packed guide to creating your first Revit Add-ins. It is actually the type of book that is a bit hard to follow, but in a good sense. It does not waste time explaining you basic stuff you would already know (or that you can easily find online) if you want to create Revit Add-Ins. So from the first lines you have to pay attention to what you are reading or you get lost after two pages.
I have not had the time to try the code samples provided but the book (many), but overall it seems to me as a good introduction to the basics of Add-in programming, its logic, language and basic steps. If I had a say on the book editing, I must confess I would have given it a bit of a more refined look and a bit less intense pace, for it seems a bit intense to me, jumping from one example to the next one without much time to assimilate what you are learning.

Book is very affordable, selling for $11.99 at the Publishers Page for the Ebook version. Yo can also buy hard copies of the book at Amazon (links below).

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