CatalĂ - Castellano - Deutsch
First of all and before you wonder if this is another place were they tell you how to do it and it doesn't work, this is testet, and here is the proof, play with is as much as you like.
So now that you know that it works, let's go step by step.
- Create a Spreadsheet in Google Drive
- Share it with those you want to be able to access it (the one on this post is shared to the entire www)
- Make sure the other users can edit, not just see
- Insert the following code on your site:
<iframe width='800' height='600' frameborder='0' src='THE URL OF YOUR SPREADHSEET AS IT SHOWS ON THE WEB BROWSER WHEN YOU SEE IT FROM GOOGLE DRIVE'></iframe> - Publish your post/page, and that's it.
If you need any help, ask in the comments below.
Can this be done with a Google Cal (editable)?