Software Currently Certified for IFC Import or Export

A list by BuildingSmart of the BIM tools currently certified to Export or Import IFC files
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If you are into BIM, you know what IFCs are. If you don't, read about it. A lot is written about IFCs as a standard format. And a lot is written too about "what is the best BIM tool?". Well, one criteria you could use to decide which BIM tool is best for you is how they handle IFCs.

According to the following Table from BuildingSmart, these are the BIM Tools that have been certified for Importing or Exporting IFC files properly:

Application Organisation Certification Export/Import Finished Pdf
Scia Engineer NEMETSCHEK Scia CV2.0-Struct import 2013091717-SEP-2013
ArchiCAD Graphisoft CV2.0-Arch import 2013092020-SEP-2013
Revit MEP Autodesk-R CV2.0-MEP export 2013071111-JUL-2013
RIB iTWO RIB CV2.0-Import only import 2013090707-SEP-2013
ArchiCAD Graphisoft CV2.0-Arch export 2013041616-APR-2013
Allplan 2013 NEMETSCHEK Allplan GmbH CV2.0-Arch export 2013041616-APR-2013
Revit Architecture Autodesk-R CV2.0-Arch export 2013041616-APR-2013
Scia Engineer NEMETSCHEK Scia CV2.0-Struct export 2013041616-APR-2013
Revit Structure Autodesk-R CV2.0-Struct export 2013041616-APR-2013
Tekla Structures Tekla CV2.0-Struct export 2013061212-JUN-2013
Vectorworks NEMETSCHEK North America CV2.0-Arch export 2013053030-MAY-2013
In the list of tools that passed the Building Smart's certification for exportin IFC files are Tekla, Revit, ArchiCAD, Scia, VectorWorks, Allplan and RIB iTWO. This means that they can save their models in IFC complying with the format standards.

The list of programs that are certified to import models from IFC format is smaller and comprises only two programs: Scia Engineer and ArchiCAD.

via BIMequity Blog.

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