MT - Using BIM as a PM Tool: 4.2.7 – BIM influence on Scope

The use of BIM helped clarify project Scope to some or all stakeholders involved in at least 3 of the case studies.
Most of the benefits were seen coming from the 3D visualization capacity of implementing BIM. This is probably one of the reasons this was not mentioned more often, since traditional 3D modelling tools not using BIM processes already help on scope clarification. It is relevant though to note that no negative effects were mentioned in any of the projects.

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MT - Using BIM as a PM Tool: 4.2.6 – BIM influence on Risk

The amount of positive mentions of the implementation of BIM on negative risk reduction or control reached 8, with 17.14% of the projects having more positive mentions than negative ones (Table 4.2). Some construction companies saw “BIM as a way to drive the risk out of its bid” (Texas A&M Health Science Center – McGraw-Hill, 2009) and for others BIM reduced risk by allowing “better informed decisions” (US Food and Drug Administration Headquarters – McGraw-Hill, 2010b). The negative risk perception on BIM came from the need of “upfront investment for the modelling of the project to win the bid” (Texas A&M Health Science Center – McGraw-Hill, 2009) that could have not been recovered should the company have lost the bid or the need to clarify certain “model ownership issues for liability reasons” (Research 2 – McGraw-Hill, 2009). These negative perceptions could be eliminated or reduced if BIM became mainstream in AEC projects.

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