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Microsoft Excel's SUMIF function enables you to add the values in a range of cells that satisfy particular requirements. It is an efficient technique for computing the total of particular pieces of information included in a bigger dataset.
The syntax for the SUMIF function is as follows:
=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])
range denotes the range of cells to which the criteria should be applied.
criteria is the requirement that cells in the range must satisfy in order to be included in the sum.
The range of cells you want to sum is specified by the optional parameter [sum range]. The range argument is utilized as the sum range if this parameter is omitted.
Here is an example of how to total the values in a range of cells based on a particular criterion using the SUMIF function:
Consider a data table where column A is a list of names and column B is a list of values. For all rows with the name "John" in column A, you want to add the values in column B.
You may accomplish this by employing the SUMIF function as follows:
=SUMIF(A2:A7, "John", B2:B7) (A2:A7, "John", B2:B7)
For all rows with the name "John" in column A, this will add the values in the range B2:B7.
To match a pattern, you can also use a wildcard character in the criterion. For instance, you can use the formula below to add the values in column B for all rows where the name in column A begins with "J": =SUMIF(A2:A7, "J*", B2:B7)
For all rows where the name in column A begins with "J," this will add the values in the range B2:B7.
You can use numerical criteria in addition to text criteria. For instance, you may use the formula below to add the values in column B for all rows where column A's value is larger than 10:
=SUMIF(A2:A7, ">10", B2:B7)
For all rows where the value in column A is larger than 10, this will add the values in the range B2:B7.
To sum numbers that satisfy various conditions, you can also utilize multiple criteria. For instance, the formula below can be used to add the values in column B for all rows where the name in column A is "John" and the number in column C is larger than 10:
=SUMIF(A2:A7, "John", B2:B7) + SUMIF(C2:C7, ">10", B2:B7)
In all rows where the name in column A is "John" and the value in column C is larger than 10, this will add the values in the range B2:B7.
This might be a bit generic as a tutorial but i can tell you this fucniton is very useful for me. We use it on monthly reports were we inform of acumulated invoicing to clients. We have a first table were all invocies are listed by stakeholder and a secon summary table were a summary of acumulated totals are used. With the SUMIF fucntion we can create this I hope you can use this article to better understand how to use Excel's SUMIF function! If you have any questions, please let me know.
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