Showing posts with label Tekla BIMsigth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tekla BIMsigth. Show all posts

How to extract the IFC Files contained on a Tekla TBP Package

Tekla TBP Package extracting is easy using this workflow
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
I recently received a BIM model for review (It was mainly intended for the Structural consultant to validate what the Metal Structure subcontractor was going to fabricate) and wanted to access the individual IFC files. My idea, because we were having some discussions about the total cost and extra KG of steel that a project change meant, was to import the IFC files into Revit and be able to create a schedule to obtain the total weight of the metal structure. The problem was I could not open the TBP file in revit. Of course someone had figured it out first so I followed these steps and it worked perfectly.
So the trick is to install a program that can open the TBP file and extract its contents. IN this case, using 7-zip, works perfectly. You install the program, then open the TBP file. Inside the 7-zip interface you can browse the folder structure until you find the IFC files and extract them. Worked perfect!.

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Clash Detection Using Tekla BIM Sight

Testing the Clash Detection Feature of Tekla BIM Sight to compare it to other platforms.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
I am on the process of running a quick comparison of the different tools out there to run Automated Clash Detection. THe firs one I tried is Tekla BIM Sight. Here is a quick video on the process which is quite simple.

My quick thoughts on how it works are these:
  • On the upside, it is extremely easy to run a test, very intuitive and you can do it after 1 minute of installing the software. Plus TeklaBIMSight is free.
  • On the downside: The visualization of the clashes is not very good. When you click on a "Conflict" the program zooms to it, but it does not ghost other elements or highlight enough the involved elements for a good visualization.
So, this are my thoughts on the process of comparing this process on different platforms. I understand I might have overlooked some settings to allow me to better visualize the conflicts / clashes in the model, but the idea is to compare the software packaes as you find them after installing.

Any thoughts on this? Please comment

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Tekla BIMsight: Free Collision Detection From Tekla

If you are not ready to pay for Navisworks or Solibri, Tekla offers a free program that might work for you
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
Always looking for new BIM programs and today through Revit OpEd, learned about Tekla BIMsight. It seems to be a free tool to do most of what you would normally do with NAvisworks or Solibri Model Cheker. Haven't tried it, but free tools always get a special treatment at CAD Addict.

And of course it goes straight to the List of BIM Software & Providers.

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