SketchUp: Save And Reuse Your Custom styles

How do you use a style you created in one model on a different model? How do you transfer/export styles?
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
Personalized styles in SketchUp are important to create your own look on your models. Transferring styles from file to file is not just a copy and paste process (although it can be done that way). The best way to do it is as follows.
To save the style, Once you have it defined, go to the Styles Window (Window --> Styles) and do this:
  1. Click on the "In Model" button to see the style you have created
  2. Right click on the style and select "Save As"
  3. Create a Folder where you want to store your personalized styles

To apply the style you just saved to a new model, open the new model and do as follows:
  1. Open the Style browser (Window-->Styles)
  2. Click the "Details" Button on the lower right side (see number 1 on the image below)
  3. Click on Open or Create Library
  4. Select the folder where you saved the style on the previous step

Now you should be able to see the style created on your first model from your second model.

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SketchUp Plugins: Extrude Multiple faces at Once

Is there a way to offset a bunch of faces at once? There is a Plugin of course.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
If we want to extrude (push/pull) a lot of faces the same distance, we might use the default SketchUp Push Pull tool, but it might take very long if we have a lot of faces. By default, if we push one face and then double click on different one, the new one will be push/pulled the same distance.
But what happens if we have 100 faces and we want to push them all the same distance? We need a piece of code to do that. The simplest ruby I found is called multiple_push_pull.rb. It does exactly that. We select all teh faces we want to extrude, go to Plugins --> Multiple Push Pull (after installing the Plugin of course). The result will be all the faces extruded the same distance. See this couple of examples.

I don;t know who wrote the plugin originally since the code doesn;t have any credits. In any case you can download it here.

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AutoCAD: List of Annotation Objects

A complete and Organized list of the AutoCAD Objects for Annotation and links to those explained in CAD Addict.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
Following the previous posts about Lists of AutoCAD Objects here comes the next list. This time about the objects intended for annotation.
  • 3 Point Angular Dimension
  • Aligned Dimension
  • Angular Dimension
  • Arc Length Dimension
  • Attribute
  • Attribute Definition
  • Diametric Dimension
  • Jogged Dimension
  • Leader
  • MText
  • Multileader
  • Ordinate Dimension
  • Radial Dimension
  • Rotated Dimension
  • Text
  • Tolerance

If you think there is any missing Annotation Object, please post a comment here

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AutoCAD: List of 3D Objects

A complete and Organized list of the AutoCAD 3D Objects and links to those explained in CAD Addict.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
Following the List of 2D Objects posted last week here comes this next post of the series.
  • 3D Face
  • 3D Polyline
  • 3D Solid
    - Box
    - Cone
    - Cylinder
    - Pyramid
    - Sphere
    - Torus
    - Wedge
    - Extrusion
    - Sweep
    - Revolve
    - Loft
  • Body
  • Helix
  • Polyface Mesh
  • Surface
    - Extrusion
    - Loft
    - Planar
    - Revolve
    - Sweep

In this case, some of the Objects appear mostly as parts of other objects, like Body or Surface Objects.

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SketchUp Plugins: Layer Manager

Manage Layers in SketchUp as if you were in AutoCAD. A great Plugin by Didie Bur
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
One of the main reasons why using layers in SketchUp was never very comfortable was the layer manager. The way the default layer manager works is not very practical (this is my opinion, but I really tend to forget about sing the different layers I created because of the Layer Browser).
Didier Bur and his LAYER MANAGER plugin have solved this issue. Layer Manager will add two toolbars to SketchUp that will make your life incredibly easier. This are the two toolbars you'll get.

Layer Manager basically works to create and manage layer states. This means for those who are not used to use layers, to save the state of the layers at a certain point (like having layer A and B visible and Layer C and D hidden) and be able to recover it at any point of time.
Layer Tools works to switch between current active layers, to move objects from layer to layer, and much more.
The best way to learn all the great functionaity of this Plugin is to Download it from the original Sketchukation thread (you need to be registered) and read the PDF that comes with the download.

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SketchUp Plugin: Draw Polylines, Bezier Curves, Splines and Chamfered PLines

Do you find the default Bezier curve tool hard to use? This plugin will make dealing with Bezier Curves and other 2D geometry much easier.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
Fredo6 has been busy again creating another amazing Plugin to draw, and most important, edit bezier curves. With it you can draw bezier curves, polylines, B-splines, Courbettes (multi tangent arc polyline), Catmull Splines, F-Splines... Yeah I don't know either the exact meaning of most of these terms, but they are very useful as different methods to draw curves. The best as I mentioned is the possibility to edit them using their control points. This is the toolbar that will appear when you install the Plugin.

The Plugin can be found here. For an extra feature (drawing chamfered Polylines) you will need the extension posted here. To download both the plugin and the chamfer extension, you will need to be registered at See some shapes generated with the different curves and the option "close loop nicely".

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AutoCAD: Save All The Open Drawings

An Express Tool command allows you to save changes on all open drawings.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
The Express Tool Command SAVEALL allows you to easily save changes on all open drawings, no matter if you have only one drawing open or you have 15 of them open.
This, as simple as it sounds can be useful when for whatever reason we are working simultaneously on many drawings updating all of them. With this command, we can save changes on all the drawings in a very simple way.
Similar to this command is the CLOSEALL Express Tool command. What this one does is to close all the open drawings asking if you want to save changes in those that have been modified. So next time you need to save and close a lot of drawings, you can simply type SAVEALL and then CLOSEALL and all the drawings will be saved and closed in only a few seconds.

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AutoCAD: Draw Walls Using the MLINE command

Plain AutoCAD can draw walls too. You Just need to learn how.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
AutoCAD has a pretty unknown command called MLINE that allows you to draw Multilines. Multilines are ideal for drawing walls in plain AutoCAD. You simply need to create the wall style through the MLSTYLE dialog Box and then draw the wall as you would draw a line. See the dialog box.

And a MLINE I created to represent ta wall section.

MLINE Objects do not cleanup automatically with each other like AutoCAD Architecture Walls. There is a dialog box accessible via right clicking an MLINE and selecting Multiline Edit or simply typing the command MLEDIT that will let you choose how do you want the Multilines to join/cleanup between each other. This is the dialog box.

An this is how from an uncleaned intersection between two MLINEs.

You can get a nice cleanup, in this case using the Merged T intersection.

See that to create this multiline wall I used a special linetype to represent the Insulation. You can get it for a small Paypal payment. (email delivery)

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AutoCAD: List of 2D Objects

A complete and Organized list of the AutoCAD 2D Objects and links to those explained in CAD Addict.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
There are many different types of Objects in AutoCAD. On an effort to keep updating the directory of here comes a complete list of the 2D Objects and the links to those articles that explain their use. I will try to keep adding lists of objects weekly and at the end I will create a post that works as a main directory for this series of posts.
2D Objects

There are 2D objects that are created through other commands, but regardless when created they are in one of these categories. An example of this would be Polygons, Rectangles or Donuts which are actually Polylines.

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Photoshop: Access a Wide Range of Text Editing Tools

There are many more options to edit Text than you think in Photoshop. You just need to know how to access them.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
This is one of this tips that some might think "duh!", so I excuse myself in advance for my lack of Photoshop proficiency. But since this website is as much a way for me to share what I learn, as a way to store tips for when I need them and I can't remember here it goes.
When you type texts in Photoshop, the default options available are pretty limited, all contained on the upper toolbar that looks like this (the screenshot is from version CS4).

But if you click on the button on the far right of this toolbar, you will be able to access a full set of tools to edit your texts much more complete that the default text toolbar. Alternatively, this Character Window, can be accessed through Window --> Character (duh again, I know...). On this window you will be able to use Sub- and Superindex characters, use Title Fonts, play with the font spacing etc.

Maybe for many this is the kind of tip that you wonder "how could this guy not know about that?". I know it is a very basic tip, but it is a tip anyway.

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2008 Posts of the Month

The most visited posts of 2008 by month.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
I am trying to organize my site a little bit and will try to come with some posts that work as a directory of it. To shorten the list of "most visited posts" on the sidebar, here comes the list of the most visited posts of the months between June and December 2008. This is just a way to make old posts accessible to those who joined CAD Addict recently. Hope you find something interesting. This is the list.

See that the list starts on June 2008 since it is when I started using a visitor tracking service.

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Mastering AutoCAD Architecture

Become a Pro of AutoCAD Architecture with this book.
Català - Castellano - Deutsch
Jason left our office last week and he gave me his "Mastering AutoCAD Architecture Book" by Paul F. Aubin as a farewell present. I've been browsing through it and it seems I am gonna get some nice tips to post here.
The book is divided in 18 Chapters plus several Appendix with extra exercises. The language is clear and concise and it seems to go to the point right away. Tips like "in case of doubt, right click" can give you an idea of the type of plain and direct language used. I've got the edition for the 2008 version of ACA "Mastering AutoCAD Architecture 2008". For those looking for the latest version of the book follow the links below.

or or

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