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If you are looking into researching the topics of BIM and Project Management, maybe some of the references I used for my Master Thesis might be useful for you. So here they come.
- Alshawi, B. and Ingirige, B. (2003) “Web-enabled project management an emerging paradigm in construction”. Automation in Construction. Volume 12, pp.349-364.
- Atkinson, R. (1999) “Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, it’s time to accept other success criteria”
- Autodesk (2002) Building information Modelling.
- Autodesk (2007) BIM and cost Estimating.
- Aouad, G.; Lee, A. and Wu, S. (2006) Constructing the Future: nD Modeling. London, UK and New York, USA: Taylor and Francis.
- AIA (2009) The Business of Architecture: An AIA Survey Report on Firm Characteristics.
- Allison, H (2010) “10 Reasons Why Project Managers should Champion 5D BIM software” VICO Software.
- Architect’s Journal (2009). CAD - The greatest advance in construction history.
- Baccarini (1996) “The concept of project complexity - a review”. International Journal of Project Management. Volume 14, pp. 201-204.
- Bansal, VK (2011) “Application of geographic information systems in construction safety planning”. International Journal of Project Management. Volume 29, pp. 66-77.
- Bayo-Moriones, A. and Lera-López, F. (2007) “A firm-level analysis of determinants of ICT adoption in Spain”. Technovation. Volume 27, pp. 352-366
- Benjaoran, V. (2009) “A cost control system development. A collaborative approach for small and medium-sized contractors”. International Journal of Project Management. Volume 27, pp. 270-277.
- Bentley (2003) Does the Building Industry Really Need to Start Over?
- Bosch-Rekveldt, M.; Jongkind, Y.; Mooi, H.; Bakker, H. and Verbraeck, A. (2010) “Grasping project complexity in large engineering projects: The TEO (Technical, Organizational and Environmental) framework. International Journal of Project Management. Article in Press
- Broquetas, M. (2010a) From CAD to BIM: Part I - History of CAD.
- Broquetas, M. (2010b) From CAD to BIM: Part II - History of CAD.
- BSI (2010) Constructing the Business Case. Building Information Modelling. London and Surrey, UK: British Standards Institution and BuildingSMART UK.
- Chan, A. P. C.; Scott, D. and Chan, A. P. L. (2004), “Factors Affecting the Success of a Construction Project”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. Volume 130, pp, 153-155.
- Clough, R.H.; Sears, G.A. and Sears, S.K. (2008) Construction Project Management. A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
- Eastman, C. (1999) Building Product Models: Computer Environments Supporting Design and Construction, CRC Press, Boca Raton FL
- Eastman, C. and Siabiris, A. (1995) “A generic building product model incorporating building type information” Automation in Construction. Volume 3, pp. 283-304.
- e-Business Watch (2006) A Pocketbook of e-Business Indicators. A portrait of e-business in 10 sectors of the EU economy
- Europapress (2010) El 66 por ciento de los españoles no habla inglés, según un estudio. Europapress
- European Commission (2009) COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT on the implementation of Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
- Forcada, N.; Casals, M.; Roca, X. and Gangolells, M. (2007) “Adoption of web databases for document management in SMEs of the construction sector in Spain” Automation in Construction. Volume 16, pp. 411-424.
- Fortune, J. and White, D. (2006) “Framing of project critical success factors by a systems model”. International Journal of Project Management. Volume 24, pp. 53-65.
- Fox, S. and Hietanen, J. (2007) “Interorganizational use of building information models: potential for automational, informational and transformational effects”. Construction Management and Economics. Volume 25, pp. 289-296.
- Given, l.M. (2008) The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. Volume 1&2. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
- Grilo, A. and Jardim-Goncalves, R. (2010) “Value proposition on interoperability of BIM and collaborative working environments”. Automation in Construction. Volume 19, pp. 522-530.
- Haymaker, J. and Fischer, M. (2001) “Challenges and Benefits of 4D Modeling of the Walt Disney Concert Hall Project”. CIFE Working Paper #64. Stanford University.
- Holzer, D. (2007) “Are you talking to me? Why BIM alone is not the answer” Association of Architecture Schools Australasia Conference, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
- IAI (2010a) BuildingSMART International
- IAI (2010b) Information Delivery Manual
- Kadefors, A. (2004) “Trust in project relationships—inside the black box”. International Journal of Project Management. Volume 22, pp 175-182.
- Kaner, I.; Sacks, R.; Kassian, W. and Quitt, T. (2008) “Case studies of BIM adoption for precast concrete design by mid-sized structural engineering firms”. ITCon. Volume 13 pp. 303-323.
- Khanzode, A.; Fischer, M. and Reed, D. (2008) “Benefits and lessons learned of implementing building virtual design and construction (VDC) technologies” ITCon. Volume 13 pp. 324-342.
- Khemlani, L.; Timmerman, A.; Benne, B. And Kalay, Y.E. (1998) “Intelligent representation for computer-aided building design”. Automation for Construction, Volume 8, pp. 49-71.
- Lancaster, G. (2005) Research methods in Management. A Concise Introduction to research in management and business consultancy. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Lawson, B. (2002) “CAD and Creativity: Does the Computer Really Help?” Leonardo, Volume 35, pp. 327-33
- Lee, C. (2008) BIM: Changing the AEC Industry: PMI Global Congress 2008--North America. Proceeding. Denver, Colorado, USA: Project Management Institute.
- Leicht, R. and Messner, J. (2008) “Moving Toward An ‘Intelligent’ Shop Modeling Process” ITCon. Volume 13 pp. 286-302.
- Maning and Messner (2008) “Case Studies In BIM Implementation For Programming Of Healthcare Facilities” ITCon. Volume 13 pp. 446-457.
- Maunula (2008) “The Implementation of Building Information Modeling – A Process Perspective”. Helsinki University of Technology SimLab Publications. Report 23.
- Maurer, I. (2010) “How to build trust in inter-organizational projects: The impact of project staffing and project rewards on the formation of trust, knowledge acquisition and product innovation”. International Journal of Project Management. Volume 28, pp. 629-637.
- McGraw-Hill (2008) Building Information Modelling (BIM). Transforming Design and Construction to Achieve Greater Industry Productivity
- McGraw-Hill (2009) The Business Value Of BIM. Getting Building Information Modeling to the Bottom Line.
- McGraw-Hill (2010a) The Business Value of BIM in Europe. Getting Building Information Modelling to the Bottom Line in the United Kingdome, France and Germany.
- McGraw-Hill (2010b) Green BIM. How Building Information modeling is contributing to green design and construction.
- Nitithamyong, P. and Skibniewski, M.J (2004) “Web-based construction project management systems: how to make them successful?” Automation for Construction, Volume 13, pp. 491-506
- Onuma. K. (2009) “The BIM Ball –Evolve or Dissolve. Why Architects and The AIA are at Risk of Missing the Boat on Building Information Modeling (BIM)”. BIM Construct.
- PMI (2004) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Third Edition. Newton Square, Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute.
- Pratt, M.J. (2001) “Introduction to ISO 10303 - the STEP Standard for Product Data Exchange” Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Volume 1, pp. 102-103.
- Ricadela, A. (2007) “LinkedIn Reaches Out”. Businessweek.
- Succar, B. (2009) “Building information modelling framework: A research and delivery foundation for industry stakeholders”. Automation for Construction. Volume 18, pp. 357-375.
- Taxén, L. and Lilliesköld, J. (2008) “Images as action instruments in complex projects”. International Journal of Project Management. Volume 26, pp. 527-536.
- Teicholz, P. (2004) “Labor Productivity Declines in the Construction Industry: Causes and Remedies”. AECbytes.
- Volm, J.M. (2010) Research Methods in Project Management [lecture notes] Deciding on the Research Approach & Choosing a Research Strategy. Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart. Stuttgart, June 2010.
- Wikipedia (2010) Building Information Modelling
- Williams, R. and Edge, D. (1996) “The social shaping of technology”. Research Policy. Volume 25, pp 865-899.
- Williamns, T.M. (1999) “The need for new paradigms for complex projects”. International Journal of Project Management. Volume 17, pp. 269-273.
- Williams, T. (2002) Modeling Complex Projects, London, UK: Wiley.
- Yessios, C.I. (2004) “Are We Forgetting Design?” AECbytes.
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